Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First topical comment

What a week! This is only my second post, coming right on top of my greeting earlier today. I'm being a right nuisance to the lovely Janie Veron, transmitter of my thoughts and one time dear friend. She was happily immersed in the cultural joys of Lara Croft Tomb Raider 2 when I popped into her head with the following pithy observations. Sorry, Janie.

1. No, we didn't all misunderestimate (sic) the appalling George Bush. Some people, apparently, thought he had a brain. Some people thought his long pause, when he first heard of the Twin Towers attack, showed calmness and determination. Some people thought his triumphant declaration of Iraq Victory all those long years ago was a moment to celebrate.

Well, as a dog, let me tell you, I always knew. We can smell fear at twenty paces, spot bullshit on a television screen and sense a scrambled mind from a misplaced pause or a shaky delivery. No, we dogs knew better. You humans were the ones who misoverestimated him!

2. If, in my days on earth, I ever saw a football fan, his identity betrayed by a silly scarf or team-branded tee-shirt, I would always give him a damn fine barking. Why? Because their fanaticism is pathetic, misguided and unbalanced. Today's evidence is the arrest of a gaggle of Spurs supporters for their homophobic abuse of dear old Sol Campbell. Don't they know that homophobic abuse is internationally deeply unfashionable. Probably not; they are the ones who think that bombs raining down on Gaza is some kind of attack on their much lamented, alcoholic former hero, Paul Gascoigne. Makes you want to weep, doesn't it. Who's barking now? Night night.

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